What is the effect of recycling on global warming?

This is a big topic these days and people want to know what they can do to help improve our environment.

Over the centuries, we have literally brutally used the Earth  to meet our needs. Simply put, we have exploited the Earth beyond its allowable point. The unattainable abuse of this planet has led to a rise in global temperatures known as global warming.

Most people are aware of this, but still one way to reduce the greenhouse effect is to recycle paper products.

Paper recycling is beneficial because of the following:

  • Energy saving  Pulp and paper is the fifth largest consumer of industrial energy in the world! The production of recycled paper uses 65% less energy than the production of paper using raw materials. Reducing energy consumption reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Preserve trees. Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees from felling. Each tree helps regulate Earth’s temperatures by capturing and retaining carbon dioxide and major greenhouse gases
Какъв е ефектът на рециклирането върху световното затопляне? effect of recycling on global warming

Methane and nitrous oxide are released during wastewater treatment, both of which are greenhouse gases. The production of recycled paper uses 80% less water than the production of paper, using raw materials, reducing methane and nitrous oxide and therefore greenhouse gas emissions

When you think about all the things that can be done to solve our environmental problem, remember that recycling your paper products is a very important step.

 Effects of global warming:

  • Rising temperatures and climate cataclysms disrupt ecosystems, change the conditions and cycles of plant reproduction
  • Forests, farms and cities will face new pests, heat waves and increased flooding. All these factors will damage or destroy agriculture and fisheries
  • Sea level rise and floods cause population migration inland
  • Environmental problems negatively affect biodiversity
  • Sea level rise will lead to flooding on the East Coast, especially in Florida and other areas such as the Gulf of Mexico
  • The large amount of CO2 captured by the oceans makes  the water in them more acidic
  • Allergies, asthma and infectious diseases will become more common due to increased levels of air pollution
What is the effect of recycling on global warming?

Causes of global warming

Researchers believe that human activities in all respects are probably the main cause of the catastrophic warming since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

The main reasons are:

  • Trees help manage the atmosphere by absorbing CO2 from the environment. When people cut them down, this favorable result is lost
  • The release of greenhouse and toxic gases from waste – including methane, which is released into the atmosphere.
  • The main reason for the greenhouse effect is the extraction of minerals from the bowels of the earth. Modern life, unfortunately, is highly dependent on the mining and metallurgical industries.
  • Another reason for climate change is intensive agriculture. Cattle and sheep farming emit large amounts of methane and fertilizers emit nitric oxide emissions.
  • Overconsumption also plays an important role in climate change
  • Overpopulation of the planet.

Positive decisions

Recycling reduces greenhouse gases

Less energy consumption means less greenhouse gases. The term “greenhouse gases” refers to gases that cause heat retention in the atmosphere, causing the planet’s temperature to rise.

As greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, more and more heat is captured, creating what is called the “greenhouse effect.” This means that recycling results in the release of much less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. the atmosphere of our planet!

What is the effect of recycling on global warming?

Recycling preserves valuable natural resources

Nowadays, there is a high demand for coal, oil and gas.  Our water resources are extremely polluted as a result of human activity. That is why it is important to preserve all natural values ​​and to reduce waste disposal.  Thus, by recycling we reduce the need to use virgin natural resources.

Significantly reduce depletion and protect the environment from the destructive effects of mining, drilling and deforestation. Due to the fact that our survival as a species depends on natural resources, it is essential to conserve them.

A lot of energy is used to create a product from raw materials compared to making the same product from recycled materials.

Recycling protects biodiversity

Although biodiversity is very important, it is treated particularly poorly. Most of us don’t think much about the birds, reptiles, or mammals that live among us.

Unrecycled waste goes to landfills, where it releases pollutants into the soil, water and air. Dangerous changes occur in native species, mammals and birds, replaced by garbage lovers such as rats and crows.

It is important to recycle in order to stop the loss of biodiversity worldwide. It controls pollution. So birds and animals still have a home.

In other words, waste does not harm biodiversity. Recycling relieves some of the burden on limited space for landfills.

What is the effect of recycling on global warming?

There is nothing more important than stopping the degradation of biodiversity. Everything we do produces greenhouse gas effects that threaten the planet. This includes home and workplace heating, travel, meals, clothing – the fashion industry and so on.

In addition to recycling, consume seasonal foods, ride a bike or share transportation and reduce waste.  There is no limit to how much material you can recycle.

Recycling protects people

The fact that recycling protects people should come as no big surprise. This practice offers many health benefits, including the prevention of hazardous waste. Recycling used machine oil for example protects us and wildlife from water pollution and drinking water supplies will not be at risk.

Let’s not forget about electronic waste, which endangers human health. Discarded electronics contain heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium. If the surplus of electronic devices is recycled, these toxic substances will not pollute water sources.

What is the effect of recycling on global warming?

The bottom line is that the problem of the polluted environment must be eliminated and recycling is an effective weapon against it. Climate change can be solved by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Recycling is not complicated, which will also help clean the streets of unnecessary cars and other items that go out of fashion the same year.

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